The ICAT-EGVE 2017 conference was held November 22nd – 24th in Adelaide, Australia. This is the merger of the 27th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT 2017) and the 22nd Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (EGVE 2017). Together these are two of the longest-running international conferences in the world on Artificial Reality and Virtual Environments, and provide a unique opportunity for researchers, developers, and users to share their experience and knowledge of virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality and 3D user interfaces.
Keigo Matsumoto, a former intern of Rakuten Institute of Technology attended and presented our research poster at this conference. He authored the poster “Selecting Moving Targets in AR using Head Orientation” with our researchers, Masafumi Muta, Kelvin Cheng and Soh Masuko.
Our poster proposed two novel methods to select moving objects (e.g., people in the street) while the user is wearing an AR head mount display such as HoloLens. It includes user study results and shows that our methods are more effective than traditional selection methods.
This poster received the Best Poster Award at the conference.
Congratulations, Matsumoto-san!
Keigo Matsumoto, Masahumi Muta, Kelvin Cheng, Soh Masuko: Selecting Moving Targets in AR using Head Orientation, In Proceedings of ICAT-EGVE ’17 the 27th International Conference on Artificial Reality and the 22nd Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments – Posters and Demos, pp.21-22, 2017. (The Best Poster Award)
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