Presenting Awards at WebDB Forum 2018
The last couple of months have been busy for us, with many events to attend and papers to present all around the world. One of these events was WebDB Forum 2018, which was held at Tokyo Institute of Technology from September 12th to 14th. In this forum, researchers, students, companies, and engineers from the open source community all get together to discuss the latest research trends and outcomes in the field of web and database technology.
Rakuten Institute of Technology participated as a sponsor of the event, and as part of that we also presented an award to one student presentation based on the value of the research from the perspective of Rakuten as a company. The Rakuten Award for this year was awarded to Hiromi Shiraga from University of Hyogo, for his presentation named Discovery of Revisited Reviews on Tabelog. He even ended up taking home two awards from the event, as he also received the Student Encouragement Award.
In addition to this, we also participated in the forum by holding a poster presentation about the DBSJ Data Challenge, where Rakuten and other corporate members of The Database Society of Japan provide real life data to a competition on data analysis. We provided pitching data from the Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles baseball team, and awarded a prize to Fumiaki Saito from Shizuoka University for his work named Towards the Automatic Detection of Hot Seats. He too took home two awards, after also being awarded the DBSJ Special Prize.
We look forward to continuing our participation in these types of events, and through the release of Rakuten data to researchers we wish to contribute to the development and improvement of academic research.
For more information, in Japanese, on WebDB Forum and the DBSJ Data Challenge, please see the links below.