Computer Vision

Paper Presentations at the 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing


Earlier this month, the 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) was held in Athens, Greece, and Rakuten Institute of Technology attended and presented two different papers. Both papers are collaborations by several of our researchers, but Mitsuru Nakazawa and Yeongnam Chae, two of our Tokyo based researchers, got the honor of attending and presenting.

ICIP is the largest and most comprehensive conference on image and video processing and computer vision, and this year’s theme was “Imaging beyond imagination”. As a leading conference in the field, it features world-class speakers, tutorials, exhibits, and showcases. To have not one, but two papers accepted to a conference of this caliber is truly an honor.

The first paper, “Dense ByNet: Residual Dense Network for Image Super Resolution”, has quite a heavy title, but the oral presentation by Yeongnam seemed to catch the crowd’s attention and led to a very engaging time. The second paper’s title, “Enhancing Product Images for Click-through Rate Improvement”, is a bit easier to digest and was presented in a poster session. Many attendees came by and had a look, which led to in-depth conversations of various topics.

If you are interested in the papers, they are both available from our publications page. You can find a link to that page and more information on ICIP below.  

Rakuten Institute of Technology Publications

ICIP 2018

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